Here you will find links to all the SDSS SkyServer tools to complete any of the activities on this site. On each page, there will be an explanation of how to utilize each function to help you complete each activity.
The Tools for your journey are:
Navigate: This page provides easy navigation in the vicinity of a given point on the sky. One can move around by clicking on the frame of the image, or on individual objects. A short list of the basic properties and a magnified thumbnail image of the object nearest to the selected point is then displayed.
Explore: Explore enables you to find individual objects, either based upon their object IDs, or their sky position. The page presents a concise summary of all relevant information about the object and provides links to all the additional information, like additional observations, neighbors, fields, the spectroscopic object, spectral plates, cross-identifications in other surveys, or photometric redshifts.
Image List: this page is to generate image cutouts of SDSS images based upon a user-defined list of object positions. In order to avoid congestion on the server, the list is currently limited to 1000 objects. If this is a problem, please submit your list in pieces.
Quick Look: The Quick Look tool displays simplified SDSS data about an object in the night sky.