Are you looking for an SDSS-related activity for your education or outreach? Then you’ve come to the right place.
If you are looking for activities for undergraduate labs then you might want to check out the SDSS SciServer notebooks for astro101-level galaxies and stars, and a broader set of upper-level college course notebooks. If you would like to use SDSS data in your classroom then you might want to use the previously linked notebooks as examples to build your own SciServer notebooks.
If you are going in to a school classroom or other educational setting where students will have internet access then we would recommend that you take a look at the SDSS Scavenger Hunt. This allows students to explore real astronomical data without having to get involved with the technicalities of looking at spectra immediately.
If you are looking for material to show SDSS in a talk then you could look at the plate plugging or SDSS at night timelapses.